Zipline "Safe, Fast, Precise, & Magical"


Safe, Fast, Precise, & Magical

The term “drone” usually refers to any unpiloted aircraft. Sometimes referred to as “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" (UAVs), these crafts can carry out an impressive range of tasks, ranging from military operations to package delivery. Drones can be as large as an aircraft or as small as the palm of your hand.

Zipline is the fastest and most experienced drone delivery services which currently have done 32,722 commercial deliveries and counting. Since founding Zipline in 2014, they have built the world's fastest and most reliable delivery drone, the world's largest autonomous logistics network, and a truly amazing team.

The mission of the Zipline is to provide every human on Earth with instant access to vital medical supplies. Zipline delivers critical and lifesaving products precisely where and when they are needed, safely and reliably, every day, across multiple countries.

Zipline's drones and the technology that powers their distribution centers are designed and assembled in South San Francisco, California. They perform extensive flight testing in the hot deserts of California.

Zipline is the only drone delivery company operating at national scale in multiple countries, Zipline brings a unique combination of industry-leading technology and expertise to meet your large-scale delivery needs.

What Zipline does?

1. National Scale Logistics

Zipline partners with the customers to serve each of their delivery points across an entire region or country, making products available quickly while minimizing waste. Their system can either complement or replace existing delivery networks.

2. Healthcare Expertise

Zipline understands that quality storage and handling are paramount, particularly for medical products that require cold chain and other special conditions. Their healthcare expertise informs end-to-end product storage and handling that meet the industry’s high standards.

3. Customer-centred, Tech-Enabled

Zipline designs, tests, manufactures, and operates their cutting-edge technology. Their drones and autonomous navigation systems have been custom developed to meet delivery needs, and they never stop improving them.

4. Endorsed by Civil Aviation Authorities

They work closely with their civil aviation authority partners to address their needs and ensure they have live visibility and full understanding of our operations. Together, they create a safe, modern airspace.

5. Light, Fast, Electric

Gas combustion vehicles break down, get stuck in traffic jams that prevent urgent response, and put human drivers at risk behind the wheel, particularly when the route is rough and treacherous. Zipline’s drones are battery powered and fly quickly and directly to their destinations, leaving ground vehicles behind.

6. High Tech Jobs for Local Talent

Zipline hires and trains local talent to oversee their flight and fulfillment operations in every market they operate. Every Zipline installation doubles as an investment in local job development and training.

How does it work?

Droneport & Fulfillment Center

Zipline operates from distribution centers placed at the center of each region of service. Part medical warehouse, part drone airport, each distribution center can make hundreds of deliveries each day to any point within a 22,500+ square kilometer (8,750+ square mile) service area. Create a national delivery network with a series of distribution centers.

The Delivery Experience

Zipline provides third-party logistics (3PL) services, holding the customers’ products in their warehouse to minimize the lead time between order and delivery for end recipients. In these instances, Zipline employs highly trained staff, including licensed pharmacists, to pick and pack orders on the clients’ behalf. Zipline also cross-docks packages that are prepared by the clients in instances like home prescription delivery where it is more efficient to fill patient specific prescriptions centrally.

Facts about Zipline drones

  • Hundreds of deliveries per day per distribution center.
  • Zipline flies more than 10,000 km (over 6,200 mi) each day.
  • Proven to work in extremes: from the hot California desert to the rainy mountains of Rwanda.
  • 100 km/h (60+ mph) cruising speed.
  • Zipline’s fixed-wing drone is designed to move product quickly over long distances.
  • 85 km (50+ mi) service radius.
  • 1.75 kg (3.85 lb) payload i.e. for example a single flight can deliver up to 3 units of blood.
